same day delivery
Our guide will show you how simple it is to receive your order, ensuring you are well informed at every step of the process.
Step 1: Find the Right Product
Browse through our curated collection and select the items that best suit your needs.
Step 2: Add Stuff to Your Cart
Once you've found your desired products, simply add them to your shopping cart.
Step 3: Go to Checkout
When you're ready to purchase, proceed to the checkout page.
Step 4: Enter Your Shipping Information
Provide your accurate shipping address. Choose the correct delivery zone based on your region. For example, if you're located in Toronto, select Toronto rather than York Region for a cheaper delivery rate.
Pro Tip: Double-check your shipping details. Ensure your address is complete and formatted correctly, with your apartment number and street address on separate lines to avoid delivery issues.
Step 5: Choose Payment Method
Select your preferred payment option from the available choices. We offer various secure payment methods for your convenience.
Step 6: Place Your Order!
Confirm and place your order to finalize your purchase.
Step 7: Keep an Eye on Your Phone
Once your order is on its way, stay alert for a text message from your driver. They'll notify you about 30 minutes before they arrive if you're in a condo building. For cash orders, expect an earlier confirmation to ensure you’ll be available.
Note: If you're receiving the package at a house with an accessible mailbox, you may receive an email confirmation instead of a text.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Overlooked Business Hours
Familiarize yourself with our terms and business hours to avoid future complications.
Order Inquiries
Please avoid ordering and immediately messaging us about your package's arrival or pickup. If you need to make adjustments to your order, kindly email instead.
Neglecting Cart Review
Ensure all items and quantities are correct in your cart.