Before you order, take a moment to check out what we have. Whether you want our famous Red Herring or Red Rose hot grabba, or stuff like lighters and cones, you can read about each one in the description and/or see what other people think.
Once you find the stuff you want, just click “Add to Cart.” You can look at your cart anytime to check what you picked.
Look at what you’ve got in your cart to make sure it's all right. Check how many of each thing you have and make sure you didn’t miss anything you wanted.
Just tell us where you want your stuff delivered (or if you're picking up) and how you want to pay. We've got a bunch of payment options, so it’s super safe and easy.
Before you buy something, take a moment to look over everything again, like shipping fees, the total cost, and any discount codes or points you want to use.
When you’re happy with what you picked, hit the “Place Order” or “Complete Purchase” button. You’ll get an email confirming your order details.
After you order, check your email (maybe spam) for a confirmation message that has delivery info. If Canada Post is handling it, you’ll get a tracking number to see where your package is.